PM2 Strategies LLC is a Small Business and has the following government contracts. (Our former legal name was D. K. Jones Consulting LLC, and you may find us listed under that name until contract updates are completed.)
Our GSA MAS Contract includes the following SINs:
PM2 Strategies has teamed with several subject matter experts in additive manufacturing who can assist your organization with a wide variety of challenges including: business case and return on investment analysis, facility design implementation, product design, equipment selection, process development, process and product development, and workforce training. Beyond consulting services, we can team with other companies who produce parts and equipment to provide a total additive manufacturing solution.
PM2 Strategies is a subcontractor under other large and small businesses. If the best way to work with us is through one of our current prime contractors, or a prime contractor you work well with, we are happy to discuss subcontracting arrangements.
PM2 Strategies is teamed with an OASIS SB Pool 1 prime contractor. If this is the best acquisition vehicle for you, contact us and we will work with them to provide a solution for you.
PM2 Strategies is teamed with an OASIS Unrestricted Pool 1 prime contractor. If this is the best acquisition vehicle for you, contact us and we will work with them to provide a solution for you.
CTMA is a Cooperative Agreement in partnership with the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Materiel Readiness (ODASD MR) and NCMS.
If you have a preferred contracting arrangement with another prime contractor, we'd be happy to explore working with them to provide a solution for you.